Solution-Focused Counseling in Schools

Instructor Materials

by John J. Murphy

This award-winning text translates the theoretical foundations of solution-focused counseling into a brief, culturally responsive approach for school counselors, psychologists, social workers, and graduate students. As an experienced practitioner and international presenter on this topic, Dr. Murphy has organized the fourth edition to reflect content offered in a comprehensive workshop on solution-focused counseling to further enhance its usefulness and presents a straightforward process for building practical solutions to some of the most challenging cases experienced in school settings.

Text features include a variety of real-life examples and dialogues with preschool-12 students, experiential activities and practice exercises, and appendixes with tools and templates for putting solution-focused counseling into immediate action. Chapters new to this edition cover developmental considerations and creative adaptations for working with children and adolescents, methods to explore progress in solution-focused work, and frequently asked questions.

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What's Included

  • PowerPoint slides for each chapter
  • Test Manual


  • container title
    Solution-Focused Counseling in Schools
  • edition
  • publisher
    American Counseling Association
  • publisher place
    Alexandria, VA
  • rights holder
    American Counseling Association