Coping Skills for a Stressful World: A Workbook for Counselors and Clients

Instructor Materials

by Michelle MuratoriRobert Haynes

This comprehensive counseling tool kit for stress management provides clinicians with hundreds of client exercises and activities. Representing a variety of therapeutic approaches, this workbook offers creative techniques for helping clients handle traditional concerns, including anxiety, depression, anger, and grief in addition to heightened present-day issues, such as natural and human-made disasters, the misuse of social media, political divisiveness, social injustice, and mass shootings and other violence.

Drs. Muratori and Haynes give their personal and professional perspectives on successfully working with clients therapeutically and also invite a number of expert clinicians to share their experiences and exercises they have used that have been effective with clients. The final section of the workbook presents strategies for counselor self-care and client life after counseling.

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What's Included

  • Exercise and activity worksheets


  • container title
    Coping Skills for a Stressful World: A Workbook for Counselors and Clients
  • publisher
    American Counseling Association
  • publisher place
    Alexandria, VA
  • rights holder
    American Counseling Association