Orientation to Professional Counseling: Past, Present, and Future Trends

Instructor Materials

by Sylvia C. NassarSpencer G. Niles

Ideal for use in introductory counseling courses, Orientation to Professional Counseling is fully aligned with the 2016 CACREP Standards and contains historical perspectives on the foundations of the profession, an overview of counseling specialties and contemporary issues in the field, and a discussion of anticipated future trends. Throughout the book, Nassar, Niles, and other counseling leaders emphasize the core content and expertise common within a unified counseling identity. To deepen practical application, chapters include learning objectives and activities, review questions, illustrative text sidebars, and "Voices From the Field."

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What's Included

  • Instructor's Manual with chapter outlines
  • Instructor's Manual with test bank questions
  • PowerPoint slides for each chapter


  • container title
    Orientation to Professional Counseling: Past, Present, and Future Trends
  • publisher
    American Counseling Association
  • publisher place
    Alexandria, VA
  • rights holder
    American Counseling Association