Assessment in Counseling: Procedures and Practices, 7th edition

Instructor Materials

by Danica G. Hays

This best-selling text explains the basic principles of psychological assessment and measurement and guides students and practitioners in the appropriate selection, interpretation, and communication of test results. Danica Hays introduces more than 150 assessment instruments used to evaluate mental health, intelligence, career development, wellness, personality, and interpersonal relationships. This latest edition covers new or expanded content on assessment use in schools, colleges/universities, and telehealth platforms; interprofessional collaboration to support assessment practices and procedures; qualitative assessment approaches and how they can be infused throughout counseling and assessment; cultural and social justice considerations and practices; and crisis and trauma assessment.

Numerous in-text features facilitate teaching and learning, including chapter pretests, trainee-centered reflective and field activities, practitioner perspectives, tip sheets on major concepts and practices, sample assessment items and tools, and case examples.

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What's Included

  • PowerPoint slides for each chapter
  • Instructor's manual including:
    • Key concepts in the text
    • Chapter outlines
    • Test bank questions
    • Sample syllabi


  • container title
    Assessment in Counseling: Procedures and Practices
  • edition
  • publisher
    American Counseling Association
  • publisher place
    Alexandria, VA
  • rights holder
    American Counseling Association